His books include The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy and The Blackwell Dictionary of Historians. This period saw consolidation in the face of the breakup of the Empire and the post-war reorganization of the Commonwealth. Experienced Editor & translator with a demonstrated history of working in the publishing industry. Here, Blackstone characterized the Press as an inbred institution that had given up all pretence of serving scholarship, "languishing in a lazy obscurity … a nest of imposing mechanics." Milford took responsibility for overseas trade almost at once, and by 1906 he was making plans to send a traveller to India and the Far East jointly with Hodder and Stoughton. This is the third volume charting the history of Oxford University Press. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome offers a comprehensive overview of the major cultures of the classical Mediterranean world—Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman—from the Bronze Age to the fifth century CE. The business was rescued by the intervention of a single Delegate, William Blackstone. Edmund Blunden had been briefly at the University of Tokyo and put the Press in touch with the university booksellers, Fukumoto Stroin. Oxford University Press is a department of University of Oxford. The delegates were not opposed primarily to his initiatives, but to his manner of executing them and his lack of sympathy with the academic way of life. Frowde steered Oxford rapidly into popular literature, acquiring the World's Classics series in 1906. The first effects of the war were paper shortages and losses and disturbances in shipping, then quickly a dire lack of hands as the staff were called up and went to serve on the field. Oxford became a Royalist stronghold during the conflict, and many printers in the city concentrated on producing political pamphlets or sermons. When the Institute opened in 1891, the Press had 540 employees eligible to join it, including apprentices. This is the third volume charting the history of Oxford University Press. Hodder & Stoughton opted out of this venture, but OUP went ahead and contributed to it. Conventional accounts often conceive the genesis of capitalism in Europe within the conjunctures of agricultural, commercial, and industrial revolutions. Skilled in Editing, Manuscript reviewing, Translating, Copywriting, Web Content Writing, Journals, and Literature. [73] Following a period of acting mostly as a distribution agent for OUP titles published in the UK, in the 1960s OUP Southern Africa started publishing local authors, for the general reader, but also for schools and universities, under its Three Crowns Books imprint. Cobb mandated Henzell & Co. of Shanghai (which seems to have been run by a professor) to represent OUP in that city. [46], Equally, Price moved OUP towards publishing in its own right. In contrast, the Music Department's emphasis on music for performance was comparatively long-term and continuing, particularly as income from recurring broadcasts or recordings came in, and as it continued to build its relationships with new and upcoming musicians. All Rights Reserved. It also covers the legacy of the classical world and its interpretation and influence in subsequent centuries. Nevertheless, Frowde was especially careful to see that all commission books he published met with the Delegates' approval. Prior to the twentieth century, the Press at Oxford had occasionally printed a piece of music or a book relating to musicology. ... Senior Editor (History) Hannah Paul Associate Editor (Economics & Political Science) ... 6 Oxford Street, Woodstock Oxfordshire, OX20 1TR United Kingdom Phone: +44 1993 814500 [75] Scholes's continuing work for OUP, designed to match the growth of broadcast and recorded music, plus his other work in journalistic music criticism, would be later comprehensively organized and summarized in the Oxford Companion to Music. University of Oxford, Eileen H. Tamura, editor Eileen H. Tamura is a professor emerita of history of education at the University of Hawai‘i–Mānoa and past president of the History of Education Society (U.S.). [9], After Rood, printing connected with the university remained sporadic for over half a century. [15], It was finally established by the vice-chancellor, John Fell, Dean of Christ Church, Bishop of Oxford, and Secretary to the Delegates. Editors. Some royal assent was obtained, since the printer Joseph Barnes began work, and a decree of Star Chamber noted the legal existence of a press at "the universitie of Oxforde" in 1586. Its output had increased to include school books and modern scholarly texts such as James Clerk Maxwell's A Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism (1873), which proved fundamental to Einstein's thought. With extraordinary energy and professionalism, he improved and enlarged Oxford's printing resources, and developed Hart's Rules as the first style guide for Oxford's proofreaders. Oxford University Press (OUP) is the university press of University of Oxford. To meet these demands, OUP needed much more revenue. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. [25], In 1713, Aldrich also oversaw the Press moving to the Clarendon Building. Steer returned before he had covered more than half of his itinerary, and on returning failed to have his customs payments refunded, with the result that a hefty sum of £210 was lost to the Press. The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East offers a comprehensive and fully illustrated survey of the history of Egypt and Western Asia (the Levant, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Iran) in five volumes, from the emergence of complex states to the conquests of Alexander the Great. [citation needed], Price quickly primed Frowde for the imminent publication jointly with Cambridge University Press of the Revised Version of the Bible, which promised to be a 'bestseller' on a scale that would require the employment of all the Press's resources to keep up with the demand. An acutely gifted classicist, he came to the head of a business that was successful in traditional terms but now moved into uncharted terrain. Oxford houses two renowned scholarly institutions, the Bodleian Library and the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, as well as the Museum of the History of Science (established 1924). A Past President of the American Historical Association, he is Editor-in-Chief of the Oxford History of the British Empire. The Depression of 1929 dried profits from the Americas to a trickle, and India became 'the one bright spot' in an otherwise dismal picture. This concluding volume in The Oxford History of Historical Writing covers a very small period in comparison with some of its companions: barely two‐thirds of a century. Quality of production remained important, maintained by the traditions of the Printing House and the paper mill, although cheaper books began to appear more frequently on the Press list, particularly under the auspices of the international branches which published increasing numbers of books for their local markets. Rather than bringing relief from shortages, the 1920s saw skyrocketing prices of both materials and labour. Although there had been plenty of criticism of them, the general feeling was that Max Müller had done India a favour by popularising ancient Asian (Persian, Arabic, Indian and Sinic) philosophy in the West. The Delegates were not comfortable with Foss's viewpoint: "I still think this word 'loss' is a misnomer: is it not really capital invested?" The first book printed in Oxford, in 1478,[8] an edition of Rufinus's Expositio in symbolum apostolorum, was printed by another, anonymous, printer. This is the third volume charting the history of Oxford University Press. The official journal of American Society for Environmental History and Forest History Society. Combe was a better business man than most Delegates, but still no innovator: he failed to grasp the huge commercial potential of India paper, which grew into one of Oxford's most profitable trade secrets in later years. He served as the 2018 President of the Social Science History Association and past Chair of both the Economic Sociology and the Consumers and Consumption Sections of the American Sociological Association. He is General Editor of the new multi-volume History of Oxford University Press. "[74] When shortly thereafter Foss brought to Milford a scheme for publishing a group of essays by well-known musicians on composers whose works were frequently played on the radio, Milford may have thought of it as less music-related than education-related. The Stationers' Company was deeply alarmed by the threat to its trade and lost little time in establishing a "Covenant of Forbearance" with Oxford. Her list ranges from ancient history to contemporary history and includes both academic and trade titles. During this time, Oxford University Press surpassed all other university presses in its size, range of publications, and geographic reach, competing with the largest London and international publishing firms. Milford, however, always treated Frowde with courtesy, and Frowde remained in an advisory capacity till 1913. "[48] Despite that, Frowde became vital to OUP's growth, adding new lines of books to the business, presiding over the massive publication of the Revised Version of the New Testament in 1881[49] and playing a key role in setting up the Press's first office outside Britain, in New York City in 1896. Indeed, Foss, OUP, and a number of composers at first declined to join or support the Performing Right Society, fearing that its fees would discourage performance in the new media. Some outstanding mathematical and Orientalist works emerged at this time—notably, texts edited by Edward Pococke, the Regius Professor of Hebrew—but no university press on Laud's model was possible before the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660. [citation needed]. OUP's interaction with this area was part of their mission to India, since many of their travellers took in East and South East Asia on their way out to or back from India. OUP came to be known as "(The) Clarendon Press" when printing moved from the Sheldonian Theatre to the Clarendon Building in Broad Street in 1713. Oxford University Press has had a similar governance structure since the 17th century. Charles Cannan, who had been instrumental in Gell's removal, succeeded Gell in 1898, and Humphrey S. Milford, his younger colleague, effectively succeeded Frowde in 1907. Few orders did in fact come out of the trip, and when Steer's box of samples returned, the London office found that they had not been opened further down than the second layer. [55] This vast financial burden and its implications landed on Price's successors. Princeton University Press editors' welcome proposals for new books in a wide range of disciplines. Griffiths travelled for the Press to major Japanese schools and bookshops and took a 10 percent commission. [62] In addition, he suggested the idea for the Clarendon Press Institute, a social club for staff in Walton Street. At one point non-governmental composition at Oxford was reduced to 32 pages a week. Not all of these were full-fledged branches: in Leipzig there was a depot run by H. Bohun Beet, and in Canada and Australia there were small, functional depots in the cities and an army of educational representatives penetrating the rural fastnesses to sell the Press's stock as well as books published by firms whose agencies were held by the Press, very often including fiction and light reading. In retaliation, Fell leased the university's Bible printing to three rogue Stationers, Moses Pitt, Peter Parker, and Thomas Guy, whose sharp commercial instincts proved vital to fomenting Oxford's Bible trade. Whatever their reasons for their style of working, both Cannan and Milford had a very hardnosed view of what needed to be done, and they proceeded to do it. [45] Major new lines of work began. [69][full citation needed] This prior reputation was useful, but the Indian Branch was not primarily in Bombay to sell Indological books, which OUP knew already sold well only in America. Their father Charles Carrington had been a railway engineer in India in the nineteenth century. date: 10 January 2021. The result of this ambitious undertaking will be a completely revitalized Oxford English Dictionary. The scheme of contributed essays Foss had originally brought to Milford appeared in 1927 as the Heritage of Music (two more volumes would appear over the next thirty years). Using the provisions of the Great Charter, Fell persuaded Oxford to refuse any further payments from the Stationers and drew all printers working for the university onto one set of premises. In their view the Press was, and always would be, an association of scholars. It also publishes textbooks for the primary and secondary education curriculum in Hong Kong. As a result, his will left the partners' stock and lease in trust to Oxford University, and charged them with keeping together "my founding Materialls of the Press. Roger Louis (D.Litt., Oxford), CBE, FBA, is Kerr Professor at the University of Texas and Honorary Fellow of St Antony's College, Oxford. There he became friendly with Edward Thompson who involved him in the abortive scheme to produce the 'Oxford Book of Bengali Verse'. One important acquisition did come from Japan, however: A. S. Hornby's Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The post was more an ideal than a workable reality, but it survived (mostly as a sinecure) in the loosely structured Press until the 18th century. [29], By the late 18th century, the Press had become more focused. [citation needed]. Impatient of the endless committees that would no doubt attend the appointment of a successor to Price, Jowett extracted what could be interpreted as permission from the delegates and headhunted Philip Lyttelton Gell, a former student acolyte of his, to be the next secretary to the delegates. [51] The Press was now owned wholly by the university, with its own paper mill, print shop, bindery, and warehouse. To cure this disgraceful state of affairs, Blackstone called for sweeping reforms that would firmly set out the Delegates' powers and obligations, officially record their deliberations and accounting, and put the print shop on an efficient footing. This work only provoked further conflict with the Stationers' Company. It had also published the Yattendon Hymnal in 1899 and, more significantly, the first edition of The English Hymnal in 1906, under the editorship of Percy Dearmer and the then largely unknown Ralph Vaughan Williams. The book examines the activities and leadership of, as well as the relationships between, the Clarendon Press, the London Business, the Printing House, the Wolvercote paper mill, and the international branches in the United States, Canada, Australia, India, Africa, and East Asia. He himself was authorized to invest money up to a limit in the business but was prevented from doing so by family troubles. Laud envisaged a unified press of world repute. Milford rapidly teamed up with J. E. Hodder Williams of Hodder and Stoughton, setting up what was known as the Joint Account for the issue of a wide range of books in education, science, medicine and also fiction. The series plan was expanded by adding the similarly inexpensive but high-quality "Oxford Church Music" and "Tudor Church Music" (taken over from the Carnegie UK Trust); all these series continue today. They were long-serving classicists, presiding over a learned business that printed 5 or 10 titles each year, such as Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (1843), and they displayed little or no desire to expand its trade. Gell was making a name for himself at the publishing firm of Cassell, Petter and Galpin, a firm regarded as scandalously commercial by the delegates. In fact, most of the money came from Oxford's new Bible printer John Baskett—and the Vice-Chancellor William Delaune defaulted with much of the proceeds from Clarendon's work. He also induced two Dutch typefounders, Harman Harmanz and Peter de Walpergen, to work in Oxford for the Press. Board of Delegates, She has edited many first … [64] By then, OUP had moved from being a parochial printer into a wide-ranging, university-owned publishing house with a growing international presence. Cannan was known for terrifying silences, and Milford had an uncanny ability, testified to by Amen House employees, to 'disappear' in a room rather like a Cheshire cat, from which obscurity he would suddenly address his subordinates and make them jump. In 1912, he arrived again in Bombay, now known as Mumbai. "[57], Cannan had little opportunity for public wit in his new role. [citation needed] Japan was a much less well-known market to OUP, and a small volume of trade was carried out largely through intermediaries. In the 1990s, this office moved from 200 Madison Avenue (a building it shared with Putnam Publishing) to 198 Madison Avenue, the former B. Altman and Company Building.[68]. [71] The copyright situation at the time, subsequent to the Chace Act of 1891, was such that American publishers could publish such books with impunity although they were considered contraband in all British territories. Noel Carrington's unpublished memoir of his six years in India is in the Oriental and India Office Collections of the British Library. Buildings were constructed from plans drawn up by Daniel Robertson and Edward Blore, and the Press moved into them in 1830. They were products of a university press that had come to embody increasing muddle, decay, and corrupt practice, and relied increasingly on leasing of its Bible and prayer book work to survive. As before, everything was in short supply, but the U-boat threat made shipping doubly uncertain, and the letterbooks are full of doleful records of consignments lost at sea. E. V. Rieu could not longer delay his callup and was drafted in 1917, the management then being under his wife Nellie Rieu, a former editor for the Athenaeum 'with the assistance of her two British babies.' Gell immediately proposed a thorough modernising of the Press with a marked lack of tact, and earned himself enduring enemies. [19] The Almanacks have been produced annually without interruption from Fell's time to the present day. DORA, the Defence of the Realm Act, required the surrender of all nonessential metal for the manufacture of armaments, and many valuable electrotype plates were melted down by government order. One obituary in Oxford's staff magazine The Clarendonian admitted, "Very few of us here in Oxford had any personal knowledge of him. [10], Oxford's chancellor, Archbishop William Laud, consolidated the legal status of the university's printing in the 1630s. Frowde regularly remitted money back to Oxford, but he privately felt that the business was undercapitalized and would pretty soon become a serious drain on the university's resources unless put on a sound commercial footing. management style, [87] It has been noted as one of the first university presses to publish an open access journal (Nucleic Acids Research), and probably the first to introduce Hybrid open access journals, offering "optional open access" to authors to allow all readers online access to their paper without charge. In the 1920s, once the Indian Branch was up and running, it became the custom for staff members going out or returning to take a tour of East and South East Asia. Find an Editor on the Academic Oxford University Press website Academic Skip to ... History (Academic and Trade), Oxford History of the United States series : Nancy Toff: Academic & Trade : ... Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Then, other than general support, Milford left Foss largely to his own devices.[77]. Steer's trip was a disaster, and Milford remarked gloomily that it 'bid fair to be the most costly and least productive on record' of all traveller's trips. It is the largest university press in the world, and the second oldest after Cambridge University Press. He was replaced by Geoffrey Cumberlege and Noel Carrington. At OUP, there is a wide range of teaching and learning tools to accommodate courses in World History, American History, and Latin American History. [39] The most well-known text associated with his print shop was the flawed first edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, printed by Oxford at the expense of its author Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) in 1865. By this time, Oxford also had a London warehouse for Bible stock in Paternoster Row, and in 1880 its manager Henry Frowde (1841–1927) was given the formal title of Publisher to the University. John Cannon was formerly Professor of Modern History at The University of Newcastle upon Tyne. It suffered from the absence of any figure comparable to Fell, and its history was marked by ineffectual or fractious individuals such as the Architypographus and antiquary Thomas Hearne, and the flawed project of Baskett's first Bible, a gorgeously designed volume strewn with misprints, and known as the Vinegar Bible after a glaring typographical error in St. Luke. In that work, Foss showed energy and imagination. He funded schooling at the Press and the endowment of St. Barnabas Church in Oxford. The Press's experience of World War II was similar to World War I except that Milford was now close to retirement and 'hated to see the young men go'. From quite early on he had ideas of advancing the Press's overseas trade, at first in Europe and increasingly in America, Canada, India, and Africa. The Delegates began to work around him, and the university finally dismissed Gell in 1897. The Dictionary began to appear in print in 1884, but the first edition was not completed until 1928, 13 years after Murray's death, at a cost of around £375,000. He died in 1686. Frowde had no doubt that the Press's business in London could be very largely increased and was appointed on contract with a commission on sales. Cobb then proposed to Milford that the Press join a combination of firms to send commercial travellers around South America, to which Milford in principle agreed. Both prepared editions at the invitation of the Greek scholar Thomas Gaisford, who served as a Delegate for 50 years. [14], Laud's plans, however, hit terrible obstacles, both personal and political. Foss responded with incredible energy. Milford observed, 'we ought to do much more in China than we are doing' and authorized Cobb in 1910 to find a replacement for Henzell as their representative to the educational authorities. "[24] Fell's main trustee was the Delegate Henry Aldrich, Dean of Christ Church, who took a keen interest in the decorative work of Oxford's books. In 1920, Noel Carrington went to Calcutta to set up a proper branch. In 1879, he also took on the publication that led that process to its conclusion: the huge project that became the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).[53]. [16] A type foundry was added when Fell acquired a large stock of typographical punches and matrices from the Dutch Republic—the so-called "Fell Types". Most of the time Frowde did whatever he could within the mandate given him by the Delegates. The Press worked here until 1830, with its operations split into the so-called Learned Side and Bible Side in different wings of the building.[26]. With the end of the war Milford's place was taken by Geoffrey Cumberlege. Subsequently, these became standard in print shops worldwide. [50], Price transformed OUP. Books that London issued on commission (paid for by their authors or by some learned body) were styled 'Henry Frowde', or 'Humphrey Milford' with no mention of OUP, as if the Publisher were issuing them himself, while books that the Publisher issued under the rubric of the university bore the imprint 'Oxford University Press'. "[21] Though few of these proposed titles appeared during Fell's life, Bible printing remained at the forefront of his mind. Subsequently, it took over marketing of all books of its parent from Macmillan. This series, under the general editorship of W. G. Whittaker, was OUP's first commitment to the publishing of music for performance, rather than in book form or for study. Later years would show that, to the contrary, these forms of music would prove more lucrative than the traditional venues of music publishing. The Chinese-language teaching titles are published with the brand Keys Press (啟思出版社). In spite of disruptions caused by war, it won a crucial contract to print textbooks for the Central Provinces in 1915 and this helped to stabilize its fortunes in this difficult phase. [6] As a result, the last hundred years has seen Oxford publish further English and bilingual dictionaries, children's books, school textbooks, music, journals, the World's Classics series, and a range of English language teaching texts. "[81] Further, OUP treated its book publications as short-term projects: any books that did not sell within a few years of publication were written off (to show as unplanned or hidden income if in fact they sold thereafter). Many of the staff including two of the pioneers of the Indian branch were killed in action. PRINTED FROM OXFORD SCHOLARSHIP ONLINE (oxford.universitypressscholarship.com). Frederick F. Wherry, editor Frederick F. Wherry is Professor of Sociology at Princeton University and Director of the Dignity and Debt Network. [12] This "privilege" created substantial returns in the next 250 years, although initially it was held in abeyance. The period it covers is the twentieth century. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. In any event, the result was Nicholas Hawksmoor's beautiful but impractical structure beside the Sheldonian in Broad Street. Hence his interest in overseas sales, for by the 1880s and 1890s there was money to be made in India, while the European book market was in the doldrums. He hired Norman Peterkin, a moderately well-known musician, as full-time sales manager for music. His fears were borne out. Foss, suffering personal health problems, chafing under economic constraints plus (as the war years drew on) shortages in paper, and disliking intensely the move of all the London operations to Oxford to avoid The Blitz, resigned his position in 1941, to be succeeded by Peterkin.[84]. [32] This site remains the main office of OUP in the 21st century, at the corner of Walton Street and Great Clarendon Street, northwest of Oxford city centre. [70][full citation needed] In Madras, there was never a formal branch in the same sense as Bombay and Calcutta, as the management of the depot there seems to have rested in the hands of two local academics. Gell himself was a patrician who was unhappy with his work, where he saw himself as catering to the taste of "one class: the lower middle",[citation needed] and he grasped at the chance of working with the kind of texts and readerships OUP attracted. The Press had ended its relationship with Parker's in 1863 and in 1870 bought a small London bindery for some Bible work. Sir William Henry Hadow's multi-volume Oxford History of Music had appeared between 1901 and 1905. In, Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, Compact Editions of the Oxford English Dictionary, Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English, The Short Oxford History of the Modern World, The Oxford History of Early Modern Europe, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, Category:Oxford University Press academic journals, "Company Overview of Oxford University Press Ltd", The Meaning of Everything: The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press website, Archives, 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199568406.001.0001, Illustrated article: The Most Famous Press in the World, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Oxford_University_Press&oldid=999464773, Book publishing companies based in New York (state), Publishing companies established in the 16th century, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2016, Articles with incomplete citations from October 2018, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2016, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz label identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TePapa identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis, also known as the, This page was last edited on 10 January 2021, at 09:15. 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