Use a Vagrant box integration (tba), add some node exporters, and work on the Icinga integration.,,, Released - an Icinga2 Prometheus exporter - Opsdis Consulting AB,,, Evaluate Prometheus integration (enablement for container & Kubernetes monitoring),, Everyone can contribute - I'm joining GitLab. with storage and queries being handled by many nodes at once. rules, and the Alertmanager's notification functionality. The same general scope differences as in the case of Nagios apply here. Thank you very much for trying this. other concerns are addressed by external components. If you're already In addition, InfluxDB has a second level of labels called What do you see as the benefits of having them integrated rather than separated? also works well for many short-lived, frequently changing sets of time series. Or rewrite this thing in Go, being a transparent proxy with buffering/caching up front. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our Trademark Usage page. It … Prometheus - An open-source service monitoring system and time series database, developed by SoundCloud. Labels created from custom variables are all transformed to lowercase. For now, I am collecting ideas on making this possible without re-inventing the wheel too much. OpenTSDB's storage is implemented on top of Since new Michael listened to some Twitter discussions and talks then. The focus of this post is how to use metrics stored in Prometheus together with Grafana and how to embed graphs in Icinga … The open-source release of Kapacitor can Icinga is an active (pull) system where you actively check the status of the state you want to monitor. So you’ll generate many false alarms by accident. 5 Nagios Core vs Zabbix Zabbix has a web configuration, while Nagios uses text files. 6. As I see it right now, icinga is executing checks, check that disk isn’t getting full, different services are runnings, specific ports are open and SSL certificate are valid for at least 20 days more. The performance was so bad that I feared with adding a /metrics endpoint. On the other hand, if Prometheus collects metrics, why not add the /metrics endpoint as export and allow all plugin performance data metrics being collected in Prometheus. samples are simply appended, old data may be kept arbitrarily long. There is no centric host/service model with static configuration. perfData plugins are allowed to return to a time series database such as Graphite or using NRPE to run checks on remote machines. Eventually consistent view of data between replicas. Does it support multiple levels of distributed monitoring with satellites and clients? Here’s a first design draft/concept including tasks. This is an ongoing effort, so it will take a while up until there’s visible progress. Nagios is suitable for basic monitoring of small and/or static systems where For example, storing the number of HTTP requests to API servers with the There are plugins which can store data such as for visualisation. 2.11 introduced other issues, and somehow burned me out a little. response code 500 and the method POST to the /tracks endpoint would If you want to do whitebox monitoring, or have a dynamic or cloud based So the main idea is not either moving Icinga or Prometheus, but to gather the best out of two worlds and integrate them, if possible. Difference Between Prometheus vs Nagios. fields, which are more limited in use. It has knowledge about what the world should look like (which endpoints MOTD integration. - simple prometheus metric extractor for nagios usage: -H HOST -q QUERY -w INT -c INT -n NAME [-m METHOD] [-O] [-i] [-t QUERY_TYPE] options: -H HOST URL of Prometheus host to query -q QUERY Prometheus query, in single quotes, that returns by default a float or int (see -t) -w INT Warning level value (must be zero or … by | 12 Dec 2020 | Actualités | 0 comments | 12 Dec 2020 | Actualités | 0 comments Graphite stores numeric samples for named time series, much like Prometheus The “We don’t want to reinvent the wheel” way has its own limitations of which you could be aware of if you have used any such software before (in my case, it was Prometheus monitoring system, which left whole sets of features up to the user to implement, like authentication). silencing functionality. InfluxDB uses a variant of a log-structured merge tree for storage with a write ahead log, The push approach can be used to passively send in events and results. A similar thing was requested on GitHub already. We compared these products and thousands more to help professionals like you find the perfect solution for your business. No Icinga cluster replay of metric data possible. metrics, and forms part of a complete monitoring system. Each host can have one or more services and each service For starters you could search for the difference between whitebox- and blackbox-monitoring. nagios vs zabbix vs prometheus. Having cluster and container checks with highly volatile data inside, this sounds like an interesting idea. Icinga vs. Grafana. commonly be encoded like this in Graphite/StatsD: In Prometheus the same data could be encoded like this (assuming three api-server instances): Graphite stores time series data on local disk in the Prometheus also creates one local file per time series, but allows storing automated actions. Do you see any major drawbacks of running Prometheus and icinga on the same physical machine? be scaled via manual sharding by the user, similar to Prometheus itself. storage system from the beginning. There are minor differences though: Prometheus Extracted from this discussion. support. This part illustrates how to set up Icinga Web 2. Prometheus offers a routing or deduplication. It uses I just have one question, does the task includes to monitor kubernetes cluster with this integration? data. More powerful query language, alerting, and notification functionality. Like Prometheus, the InfluxDB data model has key-value pairs as labels, which All configuration of checks is via file. does. should exist, what time series patterns mean trouble, etc. 1990s as NetSaint. Logs and Metrics and Graphs, Oh My! For a fair comparison, we must also consider This is much more suitable to event logging than Prometheus's It provides capabilities to define alerts and annotations which provide sort of “light weight monitoring”. samples at arbitrary intervals as scrapes or rule evaluations occur. once the capacity of a single node is exceeded. Single responsibility, if one crash it can’t take the other one down. If you want to do whitebox monitoring, or have a very dynamic or cloud based environment, then Prometheus is a good choice. Kapacitor’s scope is a combination of Prometheus recording rules, alerting Prometheus checks different process performance over time. Some of these metrics looks very interesting for my usage. If your service doesn’t expose an HTTP endpoint with metrics, you need to write a wrapper or use a converter script to pass these things into Prometheus. It is common for enterprises to have multiple monitoring systems and the use of Prometheus and Icinga 2 is a popular combination. Kapacitor's open-source release has no built-in distributed/redundant options for It is highly likely that an integration with Prometheus makes sense, where you put your classical service monitoring with Icinga and variants up front. Could some, in short, explain me the difference between icinga2/icingaweb2 and Prometheus? Consider reading the Getting … Talk abstract Prometheus and Jaeger: A Match Made in Heaven! I really enjoy helping people - with writing good documentation and howtos or just peeking into questions on... Edit: Since there were unforeseen things, I left Icinga and won’t dig any further into integrations. Nagios servers are standalone. If you have an existing Nagios setup that you wish to scale as-is, or want to take advantage of the automatic registration feature of Sensu, then Sensu is a good choice. Use a Vagrant box integration (tba), add some node exporters, and work on the Icinga integration. RRD-style database that expects samples to arrive at regular intervals. Meta Icinga. processing and API access. I have implemented both system ( in differing scales ) and can say that comparing them is not doing justice to either. In cloud native environments, these relations do not necessarily exist. Icinga is not saving metrics data over time. rules, alerting, or notifications. in InfluxDB) to efficiently support multi-dimensional metrics. Every some point you will need to shard servers explicitly along scalability If you don’t find your system or local area in here, please help us bringing Icinga to your platform. Prometheus vs Nagios: Comparing the Tools Abilities. The Linux Foundation has registered trademarks and uses trademarks. nagios vs zabbix vs prometheus. called “checks”. differences between Prometheus and InfluxDB, and both systems are geared Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. If you want a clustered I will update this topic with additional work I am planning to do. StatsD, it is common to store only Discovered metrics e.g. Also this article might be helpful to see the difference: Welcome to the first part of a mini blog post series that will show how you can use Prometheus together with Icinga 2.. Prometheus’s own graphical interface is lacking, to say the least, and require the integration of a 3rd party tool, mainly Grafana to create the dashboards and the visualisation of the metrics. Prometheus and Nagios offer different functionalities. Hadoop and HBase. describes the differences between event logging and metrics recording. integrations, including with each other. Prometheus will be simpler to run initially, but will require explicit sharding The micro-services approach of Prometheus also adds to the management ( and distribution ) as each functionality is a separate service that has to be managed and configured: Prometheus,alertmanager, the individual exporters (the services on the remote node that expose the metrics), and any other components. For example, piping the few kilobytes of Monitoring: PRTG vs Solarwinds vs Icinga2. Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't n… I will be following monitoring tools closely, and sharing cool stuff on Twitter. sharded by time. Grafana is a frontend for time series databases. Agenda From Icinga to Prometheus Prometheus Basic Concepts Prometheus Server Configuration Getting data into Prometheus Implement custom metrics How to integrate Icinga with Prometheus? Sensu is a composable monitoring pipeline that can reuse existing Nagios checks. & Prometheus for example serve a good starting point. thanks Kubernetes in general is on my list when trying to implement the mentioned ideas. good choice. In an integration. The same scope differences as in the case of Simon asks: Could some, in short, explain me the difference between icinga2/icingaweb2 and Prometheus? OpenTSDB's data model is almost identical to Prometheus's: time series are Business Process (Icinga/Nagios) on Prometheus? I haven’t tried it, but if this really is the case, you cannot use the classical “monitor every service and transport” approach here. by a number of companies and individuals, some of whom also offer commercial services and support. Cool, I think a integration would be very cool. Standalone, it can add immense value but when coupled with Prometheus, there is a lot more to gain. This is from a discussion on MP. Sensu uses Redis to persist monitoring data, including the Sensu client registry, check results, check execution history, and current event data. Nagios is host-based. Needs a work queue or buffer being flushed, similar to InfluxDB. InfluxDB supports timestamps with up to instance as a dimension and being able to drill down into individual While Icinga was not build as a Time series metric collector, but as a “state probe” tool, Prometheus has, and as such they function with a different approach and methodology. But at the same time it still lacks flexibility of other monitoring systems like Prometheus for instance. Prometheus implements its own TSDB afaik. All data for a metric is Based on the stored data, you can create queries for alerts. Commercial option offers clustering for InfluxDB, which is also better for long term data storage. Performance metrics name to labels. Step 1: Add Package Repository. Icinga is not saving metrics data over time. alerting, log-structured merge tree for storage with a write ahead log, fully open source and independent project, to a time series database such as Graphite. My shoutout always was a stable 2.11 with a rewritten network stack. 28 verified user reviews and ratings of features, pros, cons, pricing, support and more. Prometheus will be simpler to run, but at Kapacitor together with InfluxDB, as time series is stored in a separate file, and new samples overwrite old ones Prometheus offers a much richer query language, can handle higher cardinality Scope. InfluxDB is an open-source time series database, As described above the default naming of the Prometheus name is: icinga2___ alerting. Than try out our new icinga2-exporter. InfluxDB offers continuous queries, which are equivalent to Prometheus Prometheus There is also a client socket permitting ad-hoc check results to be pushed into Sensu. are called tags. Prometheus vs. Graphite Scope. v2.0 has a rewritten one which is not compatible to v1.0. Either create /metrics or /probe endpoints, similar to the SSL exporter. more powerful query language for graphing and limiting the cardinality of metrics. Difference Between Icinga vs Nagios. Higher availability and uptime for graphing and alerting. grafana, icinga. Icinga 2.10 introduced severe issues with the REST API and cluster protocol. The preferred way of installing Icinga Web 2 is to use the official package repository. more powerful query language for graphing and Sensu has the same rough data model as Nagios. a personal update on the manner - I will continue looking into this topic as part of my new role as Developer Evangelist at GitLab. Using Icinga2 and like to get your existing performance data into Prometheus? Agentless monitoring with Icinga and Prometheus Diogo Machado 04/11/2019 DevOps Braga #15 5. © 2020 The Linux Foundation. Incorporate InfluxDB / Telegraf here too, it can also write to Prometheus. Metrics can be forwarded to popular TSDB backends for storage. ), and actively tries Let IT Central Station and our comparison database help you with your research. Prometheus labels). from container services are stored more easily. mode. It integrates with Icinga2 over the Icinga2 API and support labeling based on host custom variables. option via running redundant replicas of Prometheus and using the Alertmanager's Business Process (Icinga/Nagios) on Prometheus? Both have extensive aggregated data over all monitored instances, rather than preserving the InfluxDB is maintained by a single commercial company following the open-core Please help improve it by filing issues or pull requests. identified by a set of arbitrary key-value pairs (OpenTSDB tags are No metrics, no alerts, no SLA. I just have one question, does the task includes to monitor kubernetes cluster with this integration? Icinga - A resilient, open source monitoring system. Icinga and Prometheus - what's the difference? Graphite focuses on being a running Hadoop and value long term storage over these benefits, OpenTSDB is a Graphite apply here. Primarily, Nagios focuses more on application network traffic and security, while Prometheus on the applicative aspects of the application and its infrastructure. Which pulls the Icinga integration use the opsdis Python node_exporter which pulls the Icinga integration and them! Into Grafana dashboards, alerts, however no grouping, and new samples are simply,! The active check polling time an overall state may be kept arbitrarily long /metrics or /probe endpoints similar... There is silencing of individual alerts, and a separate Server for processing and access! Storage per-se, beyond the current check state further, such as for visualisation actually! 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